
Jeremiah is unavailable, but you can change that!

The book of Jeremiah is arguably the longest and most complex book in the Bible. Jeremiah focuses on divine action and human response. The range and rigor of its rhetoric and the initial promise of the “new covenant” has left its mark on both the Old and New Testaments. This prophetic book presents many difficult literary, historical, and theological issues. In this volume of the highly...

straightforwardly voice the cries and acknowledge the pain and the hurt, both self-inflicted and enemy-inflicted, with all of the internal and external effects, certainly lies in the background of the use of this language. No wonder it is often said that the book of Jeremiah is filled with tears. It is notable that not only the tears of the people are put on public display (often in their own words, e.g., 14:19–22), so also are the tears of the prophet and the tears of God (e.g., 4:19; 8:18–9:1;
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